


My driveway, looking back at my house.
Afetna road, looking north from my house.
Vacant lot near my home.
House occupied by Chinese workers.




A neighbor's home.
Lynn's orchids.
Taro growing at the Babauta's home.
Neighbor's makeshift home.




Shopkeeper and young customer.
Garment factory wall.
Kimchee curing on barracks stairs.
More residences.




Another home.
Mansion, across the street.
Snack shop.
Typhoon Kim house, circa 1986.




Beauty shop.
"Sneck" bar.
Garment worker rides home.
Sablan Construction yard.




Garment factory with Chinese New Year lanterns.
Garment factory guard house.
Wall of guard house.
Garment factory barracks.




Afetna square office building. Houses Immigration offices, Mayor's office and Halina's Kitchen restaurant.
Nearby commercial center.
Beach Road, San Antonio Village.
Barbecue stand in front of Afetna Square.




Containers in UIC garment factory yard.
Sign along side Beach Road.
Shop in San Antonio.
UIC garment factory.




Shop in San Antonio.
Shop houses, San Antonio.
More shops.
Vegetable sellers outside of UIC garment factory.




Thai food store.
Road leading to San Antonio School
Restaurant on Beach Road.
Shops on Beach Road.




Banana trees and construction on Beach Road.
Pacific Islands Club (PIC) hotel.
Typhoon Jean house, circa 1968.
PIC pool and grounds.




Seaside Grill, PIC hotel.
PIC beach, looking north.
PIC beach, looking south. Voice of America antenna in the distance.
PIC beach.




Happy Hour band at PIC.
Getting the day's last rays at PIC.
Seaside Grill wait staff.
Caroline and Jack at the Seaside Grill bar.




Seaside Grill.
Sunset at PIC beach.
Dinner at the Seaside Grill




Happy Hour.
More sunset.
Commercial building on Beach Road across from PIC.
Beach Road market.




Another Tyhpoon Kim house.
Private school in Koblerville.
Classic Designs Mini-mart, Koblerville.
Remy, owner of Classic Designs mini-mart.