


MH II Building, Marina Heights Business Park, Puerto Rico, Saipan.
Mangrove swamp.
Japanese bunker.
Small craft harbor channel.




Small craft harbor.
Small craft harbor.
Flags at American Memorial Park. A US National Park.
Mike Newman on a bridge at American Memorial Park (AMP).




Tidal slough.
Path in AMP.
Picnic time on the beach at AMP.




Managaha island.
Club Elan, Hyatt Regency Hotel.
Across from the Hyatt.
Garapan tourist district.




Garapan tourist district.
Dynamic Massage.
Garapan tourist district.
Garapan tourist district.




Garapan tourist district.
Deer in front of the Gig Disco pyramid.
Old Japanese drainage ditch.




"H" Omiyage -- Horny Gifts.
Garapan tourist district.
Beach Road, Garapan.




Another branch of Dynamic Massage.
Abandoned retail space.
Garapan tourist district.




GIG disco.
Massage girls.
Note the elegantly dressed Chinese woman entering the store.




Massage girls at play.
Banners in front of old Japanese shrine.
WWII era GI graffiti in old Japanese shrine.




Police box.




Still a few single family homes left in the Garapan tourist district.
Tourists in a rented Mustang take a corner in from of the American Memorial Park.
Young boy following mother on park path.